Exploring New Initiatives in Key Business Functions

Exploring New Initiatives in Key Business Functions


Business Remodeling: Exploring New Initiatives in Key Business Functions

Category: Tag: Product ID: 750


It is my singular pleasure to forward to you the proceedings of International conference on “Business Remodelling: Exploring New Initiatives in Key Business Functions”, held on 23rd & 24th February, 2018, at our institute. This publication takes full advantage of the scholarly work of academicians and industry professionals and also creates an opportunity for you to store the same for future referencing. I believe that cultivation of a strong research culture is absolutely necessary for excelling in the process of academic enhancement and knowledge disbursal. An academic institute can achieve this primary objective of value addition of updated and relevant knowledge to its students and the academic community at large by enabling high quality original research. As editor, my task was made challenging due to very rare and original quality of research work submitted by contributors from across the international and domestic arena. Nevertheless, I have been able to select some of the finest works with the help of our reviewing team comprising of erudite scholars from academia and industry and present the
same to you.


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